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My Birth and Homecoming

Donovan Frederick McBride, August 15, 2001 4lb 9oz, 17 1/2"

On Tuesday, August 14, 2001, Mommy had to go to the hospital because her water broke!! Grandma Debbie had to take her to St. Elisabeth's hospital. Daddy was at work, so he had to meet Mommy there. The nurses and Mommy's doctor, Dr. Midkiff, tried to stop me from coming into the world!! They tried all nite to give Mommy medicine to stop the labor.

The next morning, at about 8:30, the nurses came in and told Mommy that if this last dose of medicine does not stop me from coming, then, they would do a c-section to deliver me at 12:30 that afternoon!!

Well, you guessed it!! I wanted out!! At 11:30 Mommy's doctor came in and said that Mommy was 2 cm dialated and that the labor wouldn't stop!! They prepped Mommy for the delivery shortly after.

Now remember!! I was only 33 WEEKS old!!

Daddy came with Mommy into the delivery room. It didn't take very long because at 12:50 I came into the world!! I even screamed to let Mommy know that I was ok!!

My doctors and nurses let me see my Mommy and she cried. Daddy wheeled me down to the NICU and my family got to see me too!!

My APGAR scores were 6 and 8!! That is good!! They even ran gas tests on me to make sure that I could breathe ok. I guess I passed because I didn't need a ventilator!!

I spent 12 days in the NICU of St. Elisabeth's hospital. I did really well and the nurses all loved me!! They even signed my scrapbook that my Mommy is making for me!! Those 12 days were pretty rough!! I had monitors hooked up to me and I had to be tube fed for awhile till I learned how to eat on my own!! Before I left, I had to have a "carseat" test to make sure that I was ok riding in the car on the way home. I passed with flying colors!!

I was never more glad to come home!! I came home on August 27, 2001!! Mommy and Daddy celebrated that day!! Wasn't I cute? I think I was!!