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My Spina Bifida Surgery

WARNING: Some pictures are medically graphic!!

On June 11, 2001, Mommy, Daddy, Uncle Rich, and Grandma Debbie traveled to Nashville, Tennessee to have the surgery done to fix my back. This was on a Sunday that they arrived there. They stayed at the Shoney Inn. The first two days that Mommy and Daddy went to the hospital, they asked them alot of questions. They also gave Mommy steroid shots in case that I were born during surgery. Mommy also had her first MRI done!! That is where she got to see that I was actually a boy!! Then Wednesday came.


Wednesday morning came and Mommy and Daddy were very nervous!! They went back to the Vanderbilt hospital and Mommy was admitted in. Great Grandma Maxine and Grandpa Roger came for support too!!

After Mommy was admitted, they gave her some medicine to help her relax. They got her prepped for surgery, and then, at 12:50 in the afternoon, they wheeled her down for surgery!! Right before they started to wheel Mommy down, I heard Daddy say that he loves her and me!!

At 2:15, they wheeled Mommy back down to her room!! It was all over!! She did great!!

  This picture isn't me though!!

Surgery Process: After Mommy was asleep, they cut into her belly and pulled out her uterus. That is where I am right now!! They then cut open her uterus and drained the fluid from around me. Not all of it though!! Then, the doctors could see me!! They wiggled me around until they could see my back just right. When I was in position, they stitched up the lesion in my back. I didn't feel anything because I was on the same medicine as Mommy was!! After they stitced me up, they stitched the uterus back up except for a small hole. They then replaced the fluid back in there with me and then closed up the uterus completely. Finally, they squeezed Mommy's uterus back into her belly and stitched her back up!! I'm sure glad I didn't feel anything!!

I was surgery #128 for Dr. Tulipan and Dr. Bruner!! They are angels themselves!!


Vanderbilt is a miracle hospital!! Without the wonderful doctors and nurses here, they would not have been able to fix my back!! I am forever thankful for those angels!!

Dr. Bruner

Dr. Tulipan

Laura Stone

Pat Howard

and all of the staff that helped my Mommy!!



I just wanted to thank my Mommy and Daddy for braving the unfamiliar and having my surgery done!! I know that they only had me in their best interests!! I love you Mommy and Daddy!!