My Mommy and Daddy started trying to have me in November of 2000. In January of 2001, Mommy had a feeling that something was different. She went to the store and bought 2 pregnancy tests. She took the first one, POSITIVE!! She then called her best friend, Donita, to make sure that she was reading it right. Mommy then took the second one and, you guessed it, POSITIVE!! That means that I was on my way!! After taking the pregnancy tests, Mommy put the tests in a bag with a camoflauge bib that reads "Daddy's Baby Deer" and took the bag to Daddy's work to surprise him. He was speechless!!!
I told you Mommy and Daddy were silly!!
Pieces of My Life in My Mommy's Tummy
My Mommy and Daddy had fun while Mommy was pregnant. They always laughed and had a good time. Mommy's pregnancy with me was pretty good for the first couple months. Then something was discovered.
Mommy's First Ultrasound!!
This ultrasound was supposed to be a routine one. They were supposed to look at me and say that everything was ok. Well, the doctors discovered that I had clubbed feet and that I had a lemon-shaped head. These were signs of Spina Bifida. This scared Mommy and Daddy. After the ultrasound, Mommy and Daddy decided to have an amniocentesis. That is where they stuck a big needle in my Mommy's tummy and took fluid from around me. This test would tell the doctors whether or not they were right. Once the test results came back, they said that they were positive. That meant that I had Spina Bifida. Mommy and Daddy decided to go to Vanderbilt University Medical Center to have my back fixed. That will be on the next page!!
Mommy's Baby Shower
Mommy and Daddy had a big baby shower for me!!! They got alot of nice gifts for me!! I got a bunch of clothes, toys, and other things!! Mommy even got a bracelet with her name and my name on it!! A bunch of Mommy and Daddy's family came!! It was alot of fun!! I could hear everything, even if they didn't think I could!!
My Mommy was big!!! Don't tell her I said that!! I love her anyway!!
I'm Waving "Hi!"
Can you see me?
I'm the bulge in Mommy's tummy!! tee hee